Facility Activities

Quivira can be explored in a variety of ways. The Refuge is open daily from 1-1/2 hours before sunrise to 1-1/2 hours after sunset. Drive the roads, hike the landscape, or just watch nature. Start your visit at the Visitor Center, located in the south end of the Refuge to learn about visitor opportunities.

Many marshes echo with the sounds of geese each fall. At Quivira National Wildlife Refuge, wetlands virtually roar as geese darken the skies and blanket the waters. At the peak of the migration, the refuge can host more than 750,000 geese, divided equally among Canada, snow and white-fronted...

Fishing is allowed in all waters of Quivira refuge, but the most popular places to fish are where water is easily accessible. These include bank and pier fishing on the north and east sides of Little Salt Marsh, and a few access points along Rattlesnake Creek. The Kids' Fishing Pond, located...

The best way to experience Quivira by vehicle is to drive the Auto Tour Route. This portion of public road through the Refuge is about 15 miles from end to end, and includes a 5-mile section called the Wildlife Drive, allowing close-up view of the wetlands of Big Salt Marsh. Along this route,...

Quivira National Wildlife Refuge is a birding paradise due to it's unique location in a transition zone between east and west.  In this zone, the relatively lush vegetation of the eastern prairie blends with the more arid grasslands of the western prairie. The blend of varied plant...

Exploring the outdoors is a refreshing, educational, and often exciting way to spend a day.  There is something to interest the entire family, whether it is the sights and sounds of 10,000 geese taking flight, the footprints of a deer in the sand, or the smell of the salt marsh.  Be...

Whether you wield a smartphone or a zoom lens, you’ll find photo-worthy subjects at national wildlife refuges and national fish hatcheries. Wildlife photography is a priority public use on national wildlife refuges, so you’ll find wildlife drives and blinds and overlooks to help you get the images you’re after.