Ways to Get Involved

The Youth Conservation Corp (YCC) program at Valley City National Fish Hatchery began in the late 1960’s as a pilot program. Initial enrollment was low, but after several years of growth the program had grown to 29 enrollees by the late 1970’s. The goal of the program is to provide each participant with hands-on experience that reflects the hatcheries role in resource conservation while exposing the participants to various other aspects of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. If you know someone that is between the ages of fifteen to eighteen and interested in working in the outdoors, please have them contact the hatchery for more information.

The Youth Conservation Corps Act of 1970 (YCC), establishes permanent programs within the Departments of Interior to provide young adults an opportunity to experience a summer job working in a conservation field. YCC programs are conducted for eight to ten weeks during which time students spend most of their time in the outdoors embracing both work and environmental learning goals. All participants are expected to gain an understanding and appreciation of the nation’s environment and heritage equal to one full academic year of study.

Education Programs

Camp Tonweya, a Girl Scout camp located on the fish hatchery property, provides Girl Scouts with a camping experience which allows girls to spend time together in an outdoor setting, to learn how to make their own decisions, and to do fun activities with other girls of their own age. The most important benefits for the camper are the opportunities to make new friends, enjoy the outdoors, gain confidence trying new activities, and developing new skills, and to be a member of a caring family.

The camp, managed by Dakota Horizons in Fargo, ND, was established in the 1940’s to get kids involved with the hatchery. The camp has a variety of users including Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, 4-H groups and Future Farmers of America. The camp provides the opportunity to get kids more involved with nature and the facility has developed programs to accommodate that learning.

For more information please visit https://www.gsdakotahorizons.org