A Nice Place for a Picnic
A view of Manchester 2 Island as seen from Manchester 1 Island.

The Manchester Islands area is like a playground for boaters -- kayakers and motorboaters alike. The head of the island is a tangle of enormous snags, and the foot of the island is treacherous sandbar -- a popular stop for "beach-going" boaters during warm weather.  But the highest point, near the head of the island, is quite idyllic, with a sloping bank crowned by trees.  Take a break and enjoy the view!

This smaller of the two Manchester islands has experienced significant erosion problems in recent years. The island also was heavily impacted by the Maysville Dredging Company’s dredging operation for sand and gravel at the head of the island.  Dredge spoils were dumped in two areas of the backchannel shoreline, creating barren spoil piles. The backchannel shoreline has also been used as barge mooring and staging areas, which impacts bank stability and the quality of the shoreline. 

Island Access:  Manchester pubic access ramp (Island Creek), SR 52, Manchester, OH