Daniel Kemp

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About Daniel Kemp

Born in Oregon and raised on the southwest coast of Florida, Daniel is a lifelong lover of fish and fishing! After earning his B.Sc. in biochemistry at the University of Virginia, Daniel is currently studying southern flounder physiology as a marine biology Ph.D. student at Texas A&M University Galveston. Previously, Daniel has worked in scientific consulting for federal government agencies and as a genetics technician at a fish hatchery. He is also a NAUI-certified scuba diver, amateur powerlifter, and enthusiastic home cook. When he isn't in the lab or out in the Texas marsh on his kayak, Daniel writes fish stories to accompany our award-winning podcast Fish of the Week!

Convergent Evolution in Fish Morphology / Or: How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Gills

David and the Gentle Giant Fish: Goliath Grouper

Freshwater Drum: The Great Grunting Gaspergoo

Opah: Fly Me to the Moonfish

The Solar-Powered Fish with Jellies in their Bellies: Molas

Goblin Sharks: The Shark that Goes Gobblin' Mode

Areas of expertise
Food science
Marine biology & ecology
Scientific writing & communications