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1996 Federal Register Index

Final Rules
Proposed Rules

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         Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act; Title VIII  implementation (subsistence priority):
             Customary and traditional use determinations; correction,  5685
             Effective date extended, 25785
             Fish and wildlife taking determinations, 39698
                 Correction, 48625

         Alaska National Wildlife Refuges:
             Alaska Peninsula/Becharof National Wildlife Refuge Complex; public use regulations, 29495

         Endangered and threatened species:
             `Akoko, etc. (twenty-five plants from Oahu, HI), 53089
             Amaranthus brownii, etc. (three plants from Nihoa, HI),  43178
             Australian saltwater crocodile, etc., 32356
             Black-footed ferret --
                 Aubrey Valley, AZ; experimental population, 11320
             California condors; reintroduction, 54044
             California red-legged frog, 25813
             Candidate categories review --
                 Category 2 candidates list; discontinued, 64481
             Central California coast coho salmon, 59028
             Cuneate biden, 4372
             Cyanea dunbarii, etc. (three plants from Molokai, HI), 53130
             Delissea undulata, 53124
             Listing priority guidance, interim, 9651
             Listing priorities, final, 24722
             Listing priority guidance (FY 1997), 48962, 64475
             Kuawawaenohu, etc. (nineteen plants from Kauai, HI), 53070
             MacFarlane's four-o'clock, 10693
            Maguire daisy, 31054
             Marbled murrelet --
                 Critical habitat designation, 26256
             `ohawai (thirteen plants from HI), 53137
             Plant taxa, 53108
             Southern maritime chaparral plant taxa from coastal Southern California et al., 52370
             Spring Creek bladderpod, 67493
             Stebbins' morning-glory etc. (five plants from Central Sierran foothills, CA), 54346
             Umpqua River cutthroat trout, 48412
             Wahane (Hawaiian plant), 41020

         Endangered Species Convention:
             Appendixes and amendments --
                 Bigleaf mahogany, 6793
             River otters taken in Tennessee; export, 2454

         Hunting and fishing:
             Open areas list additions, 31459, 31461, 45336
             Refuge-specific regulations, 46390

         Importation, exportation, and transportation of wildlife:
             Designated port status --
                 Atlanta, GA, 3849
             Miscellaneous amendments, 31850
                 Correction, 40481, 49979

         Migratory bird hunting:
             Bismuth-tin shot as nontoxic for waterfowl and coot  hunting during 1996-97 hunting season;
                         conditional approval, 42492
             Duck hunting season alternatives (1996-97); special youth waterfowl hunting day establishment, 49232
             Early-season regulations (1996-1997); frameworks, 45836
             Federal Indian reservations, off-reservation trust lands and ceded lands, 46352, 50940
             Late-season regulations (1996-97); final frameworks, 50662
             Migratory bird harvest information program; participating States, 46350
             Seasons, limits, and shooting hours; establishment, etc. (FY 1996-97), 46357, 50738
             Youth waterfowl hunting day --
                 Seasons, limits, and shooting hours; establishment, etc., 49638

         Migratory bird hunting and conservation stamp (Federal Duck Stamp) contest, 25155

         Patuxent Wildlife Research Center; CFR part removed, 53329

         Wild Bird Conservation Act of 1992:
             Implementation, 2084


        Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act; Title VIII implementation (subsistence priority):, 41060
             Alaska Federal Subsistence Regional Advisory Councils; meetings, 463, 67274
             Federal Subsistence Program and Federal Subsistence Board's Authority; expansion, 15014
             Fish and wildlife taking determinations, 41060

         Alaska National Wildlife Refuges:
             Special use permits administration, 56502

         Endangered and threatened species:
             Alameda whipsnake, etc., 56501
             Alexander Archipelago wolf; status review, 64496, 69065
             Amargosa toad, 8018
             Barton Springs salamander, 32413, 38702
                 Withdrawn, 46608
             Cactus ferruginous pygmy-owl, 53186
             California condors; captive-reared, 35, 4394, 7770
             Candidate categories review --
                 California candidate plant and animal species, etc. (category 1); reclassification, 7457
             Coastal dunes milkvetch, etc. (five plants and lizard from Monterey County, CA), 33082, 36346
             Copperbelly water snake, 37034
             Eggert's sunflower, 45931
             Fat three-ridge, etc. (seven freshwater mussels), 36020
             Findings on petitions, etc. --
                 Anadromous Atlantic salmon in seven Maine rivers, 44032
                 Maryland darter, 5971
                 Namibian cheetah, 11181
                 Northern goshawk in Western United States, 28834
             Fisher; populations in the Western United States, 8016
             Guajon, 51878
             Lane Mountain milk-vetch, etc., 46430
             Least chub; public hearing, 29047
             Lloyd's hedgehog cactus; removal, 30209
             Mexican gray wolf; reintroduction in Arizona and New Mexico, 19237, 25618
             Northern copperbelly water snake, 48876
             Northern spotted owl, 3369, 6964, 15452, 21426, 30588
             Ohlone tiger beetle, 8014
             Petitions on findings, etc. --
                 Santa Ana speckled dace, etc., 36021
                 Santa Ana sucker, 60073
             Plant and animal taxa, 7596, 48875
             Queen Charlotte goshawk; status review, 64496, 69065
             Short-leaved dudleya, etc.; withdrawn, 52402
             Sonoma alopecurus, etc. (nine plants from grasslands or mesic areas of central coast of California), 47856
             Suisun thistle, etc. (two San Francisco Bay California tidal marsh plants), 47105
             Treatment of intercrosses and intercross progeny (hybridization); comment request, 4710
             Virgin spinedace, 4401
             Whooping crane, 4394

         Endangered Species Convention:
             Appendices and amendments, 67293
             River otters taken in Missouri; export, 14543, 52403

         Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora International Trade Convention, 8019

         Federal regulatory review:
             Wild plants and animals (wildlife); lists consolidation, 11180

         Hunting and fishing:
             Open areas list additions, 31888, 31891, 31893, 31895, 31897, 31899, 31901, 31904, 31906, 31908
             Refuge-specific regulations, 32415

         Importation, exportation, and transportation of wildlife:
             Box turtles; export, 3894
             Injurious wildlife --
                 Brush-tailed possums, 1893
                 Regulatory review, 24267

         Migratory bird hunting:
             Annual hunting regulations; and migratory bird hunting by Indian Tribes, 11986
                 Public hearings, 30114
             Annual hunting regulations; and special youth waterfowl hunting day establishment, 30490
             Bismuth-tin shot as nontoxic for waterfowl and coot hunting; approval, 42495
                 Correction, 44119, 47786
             Duck hunting (1996-97) season alternatives; special youth waterfowl hunting day establishment, 42500
             Early-season regulations (1996-1997); proposed frameworks, 37994
             Federal Indian reservations, off-reservation trust lands and ceded lands (1996-1997), 42730
             Late-season regulations (1996-1997); proposed frameworks, 42506
             Migratory bird harvest information program; participating States, 18936
             Nontoxic shot approval procedures for shot and shot coatings; test protocol, 2470, 18924
             Waterfowl baiting by artificial alteration or manipulation of natural vegetation in moist soil areas; prohibition, 11805

         Migratory bird hunting and conservation stamp (Federal Duck Stamp) contest, 10557

         Migratory bird permits:
             Canada geese, injurious; control permits; environmental assessment, 46431, 58084

         National wildlife refuge system:
             Range and feral animal management --
                 Range animals; surplus disposition, 41115

NOTICES - 1996

         Agency information collection activities:
             Proposed collection; comment request, 25884, 25885, 25889, 26922, 31543, 39151, 55815
             Submission for OMB review; comment request, 45454, 55648, 58587, 60721

         Alaska; commercial big game guide-outfitting services on national wildlife refuges;
                           proposals solicitation, 1399
         Animal trap use within the national wildlife refuge system, 66307

         Endangered and threatened species:
             Argali sheep from Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan; import permits, 29423
             Black-footed ferret survey guidelines for oil and gas activities in Wyoming; availability, 3050, 8071
             Bonneville and Colorado River cutthroat trout; conservation agreements; availability, 48500
             Conservation agreements --
                 Coral Pink Sand Dunes tiger beetle, 59889
             Conserving species listed or proposed for listing while providing and enhancing recreational
                              fisheries opportunities; policy,  27978
             Emergency exemptions --
                 Specific Florida panther, 52053
             Endangered Species Act activities; interagency cooperative policy statements --
                 Distinct vertebrate population segments, 4722
                 Species list; controlled propagation; draft, 4716
             Listing priority guidance extension (FY 1997), 48962
             Petitions received under Endangered Species Act; management guidance availability, 36075
             Recovery plans --
                 Alabama cave shrimp, 46818
                 Anthony's riversnail, 48159
                 Aurodendron pauciflorum, etc., 49337
                 Bluemask (=jewel) darter, 49478
                 Calyptranthes thomasiana, 49337
                 Carolina heelsplitter, 32454
                 Delhi Sands Flower-loving fly, 5025
                 Desert dace and Soldier Meadows cinquefoil, 7271, 9195
                 Fringed campion, 68283
                 Grizzly bear, 54674
                 Maui plant cluster, 24324
                 Mitchell's Satyr Butterfly, 13513
                 Multi-island plant cluster, 51122
                 Palezone shiner, 33762
                 Puerto Rican broad-winged and sharp-shinned hawks, 49336
                 Rock gnome lichen, 46660
                 Southern sea otter, 33134
                 Water howellia, 50044
                 Wetland and aquatic species of Owens Basin, CA, 43777
                 White sturgeon; Kootenai population in Idaho and Montana, 34441
                 Wood stork, 12084, 2914

         Endangered and threatened species permit applications,
                1399, 2263, 3051, 3943, 4280, 4790, 5024, 6021, 6252, 6253, 6860, 7800,  8070,
                8968, 9483, 9715, 10376, 10779, 10780, 11648, 12083, 13865,  14806, 15819, 15958,
                16112, 16932, 18407, 18616, 18753, 19080, 19081,  19313, 20833, 24322, 24505,
                25686, 27096, 28230, 28889, 30254,  1144,  33133, 33134, 34857, 36891, 37488,
                37921, 38469, 39663, 40243, 41648,  43264, 44324, 46818, 47171, 48718, 49150,
                49151, 49476, 49477, 50325,  50503, 51714, 52806, 52954, 54212, 55012, 55013,
                56565, 56705, 56965,  57694, 58082, 58209, 58419, 59106, 60722, 64359, 65229,
                66308, 67340,  68049
             Monthly reports, 17317

         Endangered Species Convention:
             Appendices and amendments, 44324
             Trade prohibition in animal species from fourteen countries, 1780
             Trade prohibition in animal species from Thailand and Greek tortoises from Turkey; rescinded, etc., 36388
             Trade prohibition in animal species from twelve countries, 1782

         Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora International Trade Convention
             Review of effectiveness; public meeting, 30255

         Environmental statements; availability, etc.:
             Artificial salmon and steelhead production strategies in Columbia Basin, 68284
             Churchill County, NV; Lahontan Valley Wetlands water rights acquisition, 58083
             Commencement Bay, WA; natural resource damage assessment restoration plan development, 41383
             Fish Creek No. 2 diesel fuel spill, IN et al.; restoration plan, 57448
             Headwaters Forest and Elk Head Forest, etc.; transfer, 68285
             Incidental take permits --
                 Austin, TX; golden-cheeked warbler, etc., 14807
                 Baldwin County, AL; Alabama beach mouse, 1400, 7118, 8300
                 Butler County et al., AL; Red Hill's salamander, 58209
                 Calhoun County et al., TX; Peregrine Fund Aplomado Falcon reintroduction program, 37488
                 Chaves County, NM; black-footed ferret, 18617
                 Chelan County, WA; northern spotted owl, 6381
                 Coconino and Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests, AZ; Mexican spotted owl, 36076
                 Colorado County et al., TX; Attwater's greater prairie chicken, 36077
                 Conecuh and Monroe Counties, AL; Red Hills salamander, 8301
                 Contra Costa County, CA; California red-legged frog, 39978
                 Department of Natural Resources, WA; public hearings, 15959
                 Forest County, MS; gopher tortoise, 26201
                 Fort Morgan Peninsula, AL; Alabama beach mouse, 49151,  49338, 51299, 55311, 60111
                 Hidalgo County, NM, et al.; lesser long-nosed bats, etc., 36076
                 Iron County, UT; Utah prairie dog, 18407, 30636, 39979, 49787
                John F. Kennedy International Airport, NJ and NY; migratory birds, including several gull species, 35804
                 King County et al., WA, 1193, 16257, 37922
                 Marion County, FL; red-cockaded woodpecker, 60112
                 Massachusetts; Atlantic Coast piping plover, 5568, 33534
                 McCurtain County, OK; American burying beetle, etc., 36075
                 New Mexico; Pecos gambusia, etc., 37760
                 Orangeburg County, SC; red-cockaded woodpecker, 6254
                 Orange County, CA; coastal California gnatcatcher, etc., 27363, 50503
                 Osceola County, FL; bald eagle, 36391
                 Otero County, NM, et al.; Sacramento Mountain thistle, etc., 36076
                 Palm Beach County, FL; Florida scrub jay, 10781
                 Pender County, NC; red-cockaded woodpecker, 36390
                 Pima County, AZ; Mexican spotted owl, 36078
                 Riverside County, CA; Stephens' kangaroo rat, etc., 59889
                 Riverside County, CA, et al.; Stephens' kangaroo rat, etc., 47525
                 Riverside County, TX; California gnatcatcher, 42439
                 San Diego County, CA; Subarea habitat, 18618
                 San Diego County, CA; western snowy plover, etc., 45983, 54675
                 San Joaquin County, CA; san joaquin kit fox, etc., 53750
                 San Marcos National Fish Hatchery and Technology Center, TX; fountain darter, etc., 36077
                 San Mateo County, CA; mission blue butterfly, etc., 9717
                 Texas; Pecos gambusia, etc., 36077
                 Travis County et al., TX; golden-cheeked warbler, etc., 15506
                 Travis County, TX; golden-cheeked warbler, 14332, 14807, 15507, 22071, 37760,
                                 37761, 41796, 41797, 48965, 51715, 55013
                 Travis County, TX; golden-cheeked warbler, etc., 11859, 38212
                 Volusia County, FL; loggerhead sea turtle, etc., 9716
                 Washington County, UT; desert tortoise, 1048, 26529
                 Washington Natural Resources Department; northern spotted owl, etc., 15297
                 Western Riverside County, CA; Stephens' kangaroo rat, etc., 33135
                 Williamson County, TX; golden-cheeked warbler, 15507
             Lahontan Valley Wetlands, NV; water rights acquisition, 52053
             Marshall County et al., KY; Clarks River National Wildlife Refuge; establishment, 58699
             Mexican gray wolf; reintroduction in Southwestern United States, 67573
             Northern Tallgrass Prairie Habitat Preservation Area, MN and IA, 3456
             Polar bear conservation; United States/Russia bilateral agreement, 37761
             Virgin River, UT; nonnative red shiner eradication, 42051
             Waccamaw National Wildlife Refuge, SC, 29127

         Environmental statements; notice of intent:
             Little Pend Oreille National Wildlife Refuge, WA, 65591
             Willapa Bay, WA; spartina alterniflora grass invasion control, 67843

         Federal wildland fire management policy and program review, 5737

         Grants and cooperative agreements; availability, etc.:
             North American Wetlands Conservation Council; document availability, 9196
             Sport fish and wildlife restoration projects, 15820

         Habitat conservation planning and incidental take permitting process; handbook availability, 63854

         Marine mammals:
             Authorization letters; incidental take --
                 Oil and gas industry activities; polar bears and Pacific walruses, 3943, 28890
         Marine mammals permit applications, 6860, 7801, 8921, 24507, 34858, 48888, 51082,
                          52955, 64070, 64504, 64505, 68050
             Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force, 15508, 35808, 42649, 57448, 60722
             Atlantic Coastal Fisheries Cooperative Management Act and Atlantic Striped Bass Conservation Act;
                                      coordination of activities,  2839
             Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora International Trade Convention, 44332
             Garrison Diversion Unit Federal Advisory Council, 18156, 51715
             Klamath Fishery Management Council, 46660
             Klamath River Basin Fisheries Task Force, 13866, 21475,  51715
             Migratory Bird Regulations Committee, 67844
             North American Wetlands Conservation Council, 7272, 30093, 57889
             Silvio Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge Advisory Committee, 3729, 16113, 48501
             Sport Fishing and Boating Partnership Council, 9196, 37077, 50861

         Migratory bird hunting:
             Federal Cartridge Co.; tungsten-iron shot approval as nontoxic for waterfowl hunting; application, 50862

         Migratory bird hunting and conservation stamp (Duck Stamp) contest, 6255, 11428

         Natural resource damage assessment plans; availability, etc.:
             Coeur d'Alene River Basin, ID, 32455
             Lower Fox River/Green Bay, WI, 43558, 50045

         Nonindigenous aquatic nuisance prevention and control:
             Aquatic nuisance species task force; document availability, 9718

         Pipeline right-of-way applications:
             Louisiana, 26529
             Minnesota, 68771

         Wild Bird Conservation Act of 1992:
             Approval applications --
                 Schriver, Mark, 40244
                 Van Oosten, Jan Roger, 16805

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