Training Plan for Cartographic Personnel

232 FW 5
Originating Office
National Conservation Training Center

3.1 Phase I - Entry Level Work Assignments. This phase covers the first six months in the Regional Office. It includes mapping assignments on both large and small projects. Its principal elements are:

A. Orientation

B. On-the-Job Training in such areas as base maps, computations, automated mapping, and administration

C. Service Realty Directives

3.2 Phase II - Headquarters Orientation. This phase lasts 3 or 4 days and consists of the following elements:

A. Organization and Functions of the Service

B. Career Development

C. Organization and Functions of the Division of Realty

D. Land Acquisition Process and Funding

E. Legislative Process

F. Public Affairs

G. Training Schedule

3.3 Phase III - Entry Level Advanced Work Assignments. This covers the next nine months in the Regional Office. It consists of a more comprehensive extension of Phase I work assignments, an introduction to surveying, and the beginning of formal training, as available.

3.4 Phase IV - Engineering Applications. This 3-month phase may be conducted during or after Phase III. It is provided by the Regional Engineering or Land Surveying Staff, and consists of topographic, construction, and hydrographic surveys, as well as photogrammetric and remote sensing data reduction.

3.5 Phase V - Land (LIS) and Geographic (GIS) Information System Applications. This phase overlaps other phases and lasts 1-3 years. It consists of in- house and outside technical training in the following areas:

A. LIS/GIS Terminology

B. Spatial Data Concepts

C. Geodetic Control

D. Map Projections

E. Spatial Data Standards

F. Attribute Data

G. Data Base Administration

H. Map/Plat Products

3.6 Phase VI - Higher Level Cross-Training Assignments. This phase lasts a total of three months and should be completed in a six-month period. It consists of short duration projects in as many different locations as possible. It is generally conducted at other Regional Offices and other agencies, as available or appropriate.