Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act Proposal Application Instructions

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Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act Proposal Application Instructions

In 2000, recognizing the significant threats Neotropical migratory birds face in their annual migrations between the United States (U.S.) and Latin America and the Caribbean, the U.S. Congress enacted the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act (NMBCA). The Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act grant program solicits project proposals for the conservation of Neotropical migratory birds throughout their range. The purpose of the NMBCA is (1) to perpetuate healthy populations of neotropical migratory birds; (2) to assist in the conservation of neotropical migratory birds by supporting conservation initiatives in the United States, Canada, Latin America, and the Caribbean; and (3) to provide financial resources and to foster international cooperation for those initiatives. As clarified in the Act, “conservation” means the use of methods and procedures necessary to bring a species of neotropical migratory bird to the point at which there are sufficient populations in the wild to ensure the long-term viability of the species, including:
(A)protection and management of neotropical migratory bird populations;
(B)maintenance, management, protection, and restoration of neotropical migratory bird habitat;
(C)research and monitoring;
(D)law enforcement; and
(E)community outreach and education.

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A large bird with brown feathers, white head, and yellow beak flies against a pale blue sky
The Migratory Bird Program works with partners to protect, restore and conserve bird populations and their habitats for the benefit of future generations by: ensuring long-term ecological sustainability of all migratory bird populations, increasing socioeconomic benefits derived from birds,...