Hybridization with harsh paintbrush (Castilleja hispida), one of the preferred host plants for the endangered Taylor’s checkerspot butterfly, poses a potential threat to golden paintbrush (C. levisecta), another species of conservation emphasis.

To minimize the potential for hybridization, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Washington Department of Natural Resources and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to adequately manage this threat to golden paintbrush, while harmonizing conservation efforts for both golden paintbrush and Taylor’s checkerspot butterfly. We developed a Hybridization Strategy and Guidance document to outline a landscape level, long-term strategy for outplanting golden paintbrush to support its conservation and outplanting harsh paintbrush to support Taylor’s checkerspot butterfly conservation.

The primary goals are:

1. To communicate the issue of hybridization as a potential threat to golden paintbrush

2. To outline solutions necessary for the long-term protection of golden paintbrush and the use of harsh paintbrush as a larval host plant for Taylor’s Checkerspot Butterfly in WA.

3. To provide specific information on sites, geographic areas, and proximity guidelines needed to implement the outlined solutions.

Info sheet: Guidance and Best Practices for Planting Golden Paintbrush

Memorandum of Understanding

The Memorandum of Understanding is available here (PDF- 552 KB)

Hybridization Strategy

The full hybridization strategy is available here (PDF- 5.2 MB)

Overview of Recommended Solutions
PreventPrevent hybridization in other geographic areas
ImplementImplement a decision-making framework
ManageActively manage sites with both paintbrush species or those that are hybridized
MapMap the golden and harsh paintbrush distribution and refine active inventory
AdoptAdopt decontamination procedures for multi-site prairie restoration activity
FormalizeFormalize seed production risk management
DisseminateDisseminate information
ImproveImprove understanding of hybridization risk and its impact to species

Maps of Regions

North Puget Lowlands (Island & San Juan Counties) (PDF- 1.4MB)

Olympic Peninsula (Clallam and Jefferson Counties) (PDF- 1.25MB)

South Puget Lowlands (Mason, Pierce, and Thurston Counties) (PDF- 1.25MB)

Southwest Washington (Clark, Cowlitz, and Lewis Counties) (PDF- 1.6MB)

Willamette Valley, Oregon (PDF-  712 KB)

Outplanting Proposals

If you are planning to outplant either golden paintbrush or harsh paintbrush and need to have your proposal reviewed (see Hybrid Guidance a Strategy document for decision flow charts), please use this form below.  Please send proposals to FW1_paintbrush_hybridization@fws.gov.

Please anticipate 30-90 days for proposal review.

Outplanting Proposal Form (DOCX- 16 KB)

If you have questions about the Hybridization Strategy and Guidance, proposal submission and review process, or MOU, please contact:

Erin Gray
Endangered Species Biologist
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Hannah Anderson
Wildlife Diversity Division Manager
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife

Joe Rocchio
Program Manager, Natural Heritage Program
Washington Department of Natural Resources


Golden Paintbrush Hybridization Strategy and Guidance Document

This document outlines a landscape-level, long-term strategy for outplanting golden paintbrush to support its conservation and outplanting harsh paintbrush to support Taylor’s checkerspot butterfly conservation.

Golden Paintbrush Hybridization Memorandum of Understanding

To minimize the potential for hybridization, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Washington Department of Natural Resources and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to adequately manage this threat to golden paintbrush, while harmonizing...

If you are planning to outplant either golden paintbrush or harsh paintbrush and need to have your proposal reviewed, please use this form.



Mount Rainier rises from behind fog and trees on a ridgeline
The Washington Fish and Wildlife Office is part of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Ecological Services program. We work closely with partners to conserve fish, wildlife, plants, and their habitats throughout Washington for future generations.