Spring 2024 - Virtual Youth Fish & Wildlife Club Flyer

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Flyer with the USFWS logo, a photo of two bison, and a drawing of a person with a laptop. Text: Join us for the: FREE Youth Fish and Wildlife Club! www.fws.gov/education-programs/virtual-youth-fish-and-wildlife-club Geared towards youth ages 8-12 but ALL are welcome! Check out the agenda and meeting information: Every Wednesday, January 17-May 8 Virtual with In-person opportunities Learn about winter and wildlife safety, fish, pollinators, foraging and wild foods, the National Eagle Repository and more!

Flyer for the spring 2024 season of the Virtual Youth Fish and Wildlife Club (YFWC) aims to tap into youth curiosity and wonder, foster appreciation for nature and culture in Alaska and the Mountain-Prairie region, engage young people informally with science, and teach proficiency in outdoor skills. YFWC is geared towards youth ages 8-12 but all are welcome, including younger kiddos and curious adults. Learn more.

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Education outreach
FWS and DOI Region(s)